Welcome to the growing world of MANAS TRANSFORMER. We are considered as one of the upcoming name in the field of Power Cable Jointing Accessories for more than two decade. We have a very strong base in India & exporting these accessories in various countries and are increasing our clientale at a faster pace in other countries. We have been awarded with ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) certification and all our products are passed through various quality tests during the state-of-the-art production process. Our Motto is to give our customers the value for the money. There is large emphasis endeavor on a very high quality standard and timely delivery. Our Manufacturing Methodology provides a high quality product at economical price giving optimum performance. Ours is an Organization where the "Customer Comes First" and Customer is always considered right and hence we always try to do our best to provide full satisfaction to our customers. Our transformers are manufactured as per Bureau of Indian Standards.
In the face of today's proliferation of different transformer companies, we the Manas Transformer retains the altogether distinctive flavour among our consumers by fulfilling our commitment in time with the best possible way in the field of production as well as in distribution of best quality product. On the other hand company tries to give Level best opportunity to daily base workers' wages and good remuneration to the staffs. The company has also follow the all Govt. Guidelines of IS-1180(Pt-1): 2014. The company also giving the training of unskilled workers by techno crate to develop their efficiency to skill workers as to avoid the major damage as well as accident itself. With Thanks Mr. Sukur Ali Director, Manas Transformer
To consistently EXCEED CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS by achieving excellence in all our Business and Technical processes resulting in customer satisfaction, quality reputation and market leadership by offering best quality products conforming to national and international quality standards at competitive prices with commited delivery schedules
To excel in domestic and international markets with commitment to quality, safety, environment, cost economics and delivery by constantly improving ourselves, our teams, our products and services to become a most preferred, prominent and globally respected corporation.
Happy Clients
Complete Shipments
Customer Reviews
Our Core Values and Keys to success are the basis for establishing a common culture amongst the members of "Manas Transformer" family & based on these values, they achieve business success in dealing with customers, suppliers & partners. Our core value system includes